Bad Credit? 3 Installment Loans That Will Help You Build Good Credit

Finance & Money Blog

Credit is tricky. If you have bad credit, it's more difficult for you to secure new or additional credit. If you don't get new or additional credit, you can't build good credit very quickly or very well for that matter. It's a vicious cycle that many consumers find themselves in. Fortunately, there are ways you can improve your credit standing. In addition to paying all your bills on time and paying down your revolving credit card balances, you can build your credit through strategic use of installment loans.

3 June 2016

How Can I Use Management Reports In Employee Reviews?


Management accounting and reporting has several uses, but one of the newer applications of management reports is in employee reviews. Here are some tips for making reporting a part of your employee reviews.  Why Use Management Reporting? There are a few main benefits for using management reports in your employee reviews. First of all, it's a great way to collect tangible data on your employees' performance; it may be hard to track every single contribution over time, but you can get some sense of an employee's dedication to the job if you collect data such as number of hours worked, number of sick days taken, and billable hours for each employee.

2 June 2016

Transparency And Investments: Why It Is Important To Investors


When an investor is choosing investments for their portfolio, it is important for them to choose those investments that have a solid history of transparent financial reporting. A full disclosure of all financial information leads to less risk, more trust, and an overall stronger portfolio for the investor. The following are some of the important aspects of transparency when it comes to investing: Importance of Transparency in Financial Reporting Transparency with regard to financial reporting includes providing accurate documentation available to those involved with a transaction.

27 May 2016

How To Pay Down Your Debt Quickly


Getting into debt is fairly simple to do. With all of the promotional offers given out these days, from zero interest for extended periods of time, to percentages off your purchase each time you shop, it can be very easy to fall prey to over-extending yourself with credit and loans. Some loans and credit are necessary to have (such as those offered by Community Resource Bank), as things happen in life that you can't always prepare for.

27 May 2016

How To Winterize Your Outside ATM


If you own a few ATMs that you keep outside, or if you own an ATM that is located outside of your business, you'll want to winterize it before it starts to get really cold. The dampness and coldness of winter can damage your ATM, which is not good for business. Here are a few tips that will help you winterize your ATM. Keep Your ATM Sheltered The first thing you need to do is make sure that your ATM is sheltered and protected from the elements.

27 May 2016

Four Ways A Cash Advance Can Help Get Your Small Business Off The Ground


Most people think of cash advances as a way for individuals who are having money troubles to pay personal debts such as rent and bills. Cash advances can actually be advantageous for those who are starting out a new small business as well. Here are four reasons a cash advance might be the right option for you to get your small business off the ground. 1. Money for Product Fulfillment

25 May 2016

Qualifying Difficult To Finance Car Buyers


Sometimes a car buyer may be interested in financing a car with less than optimal credit. At this point, it becomes up to the sales department and the financing department to figure out whether they can potentially make the purchase work. Here are some things a sales representative might consider when trying to finance a car buyer who is coming back without approval. Read on to learn more about credit reports for auto dealers.

24 May 2016